Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well hello to everyone. I am in utter joy, unbelief, nervousness, bliss, shall i go on. LOL. Well this past Friday morning I discovered, after 10 months of trying, I am once again pregnant!! This will be baby number two. Kris and I couldn't be happier. We are definitely hoping for a boy, though a girl would be easier only because we have all the girl stuff.

This past week though has been filled with some rather stinky symtoms. I can only eat crackers and drink water really anything else I just throw right back up. I am extremely exhausted, I'm always wanting a nap but it is rather hard when you have a toddler and a house to take care of. :)

I will start a biweekly update on my pregnancy. As well as posts on my doctors visits. When I start showing I will start belly pics. I will also be posting any ultrasound photos that I recieve. So here's to whats to come. I'm praying I have a healthy nine (eight really since I'm already past the first month.) YEEEEEE!

This pic isn't the greatest mainly because my phone is an older one and the photos really don't come out great.

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