Friday, November 1, 2013

Goals, What are Those?...

So my husband is a better business planner than I am and actually a better planner than me in anything. I love that man as he keeps me grounded and focused, though my mind wonders too much. He has told me that a good rule of thumb when it comes to business planning is making goals and sticking to them.

So I have come up with a few for my photography, both personal and professional.

First the Professional part:

  1. Have at least 2 clients a month for the first six months. After that I reevaluate.
  2. Advertise as much as I can, where I can.
  3. Network
  4. Continue to learn
  5. Make friends with other photogs in the area.
Second the Personal side:

  1. Start and finish a 30 day challenge.
  2. Shoot something everyday, no matter what it is or what the weather is like.
  3. Keep a "photo journal" of the kids.
  4. Take more photo walks.
  5. Start a photo group. 
So now I need help be accountable. I'm really hoping that I can keep this all going. I have a wonderful new photog friend who I'm helping get her on the right track and hopefully we can go places together and learn and grow.
So for now these are my goals and I'm gonna go and start them and pray that I keep myself accountable. God is watching over me and He gave me this talent, now I just need to get back on my feet and put it out there.

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