So I had an ultrasound today. I was excited. Kris and my mother in law were not able to go with me, so I decided I didn't want to find out without them. I wanted my tech to write it down for me so my friend could put together my gift bag (which she thought was awesome). Well I get there and we are looking at the baby and he didn't tell me he was going to the groin area so I saw everything, cuz I didn't look away. So I knew what I was having. Then a few minutes later he told me that I was not that far along (I'll be 17 weeks Friday) so he didn't want to tell me right now. I will "find" out at my next ultrasound. What's funny is there is definitely NO doubt what I am having. I saw the "cheeseburger" as the techs always call it. But he also wouldn't give me a "guess shot" either. I'm not a happy camper he didn't look there long enough to even try to give me a guess. But I know what I saw cuz he was there long enough for me to see it. I am most definitely having another beautiful baby girl. Her heart rate went down to 147bpm. Low for a girl but James' was 167 throughout my pregnancy. I will have another scan soon as he couldn't do the whole anatomy scan cuz baby isn't old enough. So I will have my complete confirmation soon.
Now for some photos: